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septiembre 2, 2021

Defensive Driving Techniques to Refamiliarize Yourself With

Defensive Driving Techniques to Refamiliarize Yourself With Being a safe and responsible driver also means being a defensive driver. While the word “defensive” might sound dangerous, it’s not a bad thing. Rather, it means being in a state of heightened awareness. If you’re a defensive driver, then this means you are prepared for any surprises […]
agosto 31, 2021

Pool Safety Tips for Families

Pool Safety Tips for Families  Swimming is a favorite summer past-time. If you own a pool, you’re probably looking forward to the warm, sunny weather so you can enjoy swimming with your friends and family. However, it’s important to keep safety in mind if you are a pool owner. Many injuries occur every year in […]
agosto 26, 2021

Planning for Road Trips

Planning for Road Trips  Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many are choosing to take road trips because of the lower health and safety risks, and more affordable prices when weighed next to flying. Long hours in the car still pose their fair share of risks, however. Therefore, if you are planning a summer road trip, you […]
agosto 24, 2021

Power Washing a Home’s Exterior in the Fall

Power Washing a Home’s Exterior in the Fall  Even though it’s still summer, it’s time to start thinking about the approach of autumn. Now’s the time to consider some of the important household maintenance steps that you should take on during autumn’s mild weather. Before winter sets in, there is plenty of time to do […]
agosto 19, 2021

How to Establish A Trust to Distribute Life Insurance Proceeds?

How to Establish A Trust to Distribute Life Insurance Proceeds  Life insurance provides an important safety net for many families. If you are young, raising a family and going about your life, you may not think of this type of coverage. However, what if something were to happen to you? Life insurance coverage could help […]
agosto 17, 2021

Will a BOP Cover a Company Data Breach?

Will a BOP Cover a Company Data Breach?  Small businesses often one of their most important commercial insurance solutions in a business owners policy (BOP). A BOP is an insurance package that offers a variety of commercial insurance benefits in one package and at one price, and it is optimized to meet the needs of […]
agosto 12, 2021

BOP Equipment Insurance for Storm Damage

BOP Equipment Insurance for Storm Damage  Should a storm damage your business, the equipment within could need significant repairs or even be totally destroyed. Plus, the longer this damage goes unrepaired, the more your financial loss might be in the meantime. Luckily, if your business owners policy (BOP) contains appropriate property insurance, then you will […]
agosto 10, 2021

10 Grilling Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe

10 Grilling Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe  During the summer, the warm weather makes it easy for you to heat your grill and cook your favorite food outside. Not only is it tasty, but it can also save you the discomfort of heating your home (and paying a higher HVAC bill triggered […]
agosto 5, 2021

Driving in Extreme Weather?

Driving in Extreme Weather  Driving is dangerous at all times of the day or night, no matter what the weather might be. Still, the U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that roughly 21% of all vehicle crashes in the U.S. occur in adverse weather conditions. Plus, between 2007 and 2016, more than 5,300 people were killed in weather-related […]
julio 29, 2021

An Uninsured Drive Hit Your Vehicle – Now What?

An Uninsured Drive Hit Your Vehicle – Now What?  Being in an accident is one of the most worrisome of situations. You worry about your safety and that of others with you. Then you worry about the condition of your car. You also worry about the other driver.      In situations like this, auto […]

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