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marzo 24, 2020

When is it legal and illegal to pass someone??

When is it legal and illegal to pass someone?  If you get a ticket for illegal passing, it could be a moving violation that puts points on your license and could lead to your auto insurance rate to increase. You know to follow the law, but when exactly is it legal and illegal to pass […]
marzo 19, 2020

What to do about home insurance when you live in your home part-time

What to do about home insurance when you live in your home part-time If you don’t live in your home the entire year because it’s your vacation home, you’re a snowbird or you just like to take long vacations, you need to pay close attention to your home insurance. Living in your home part-time creates extra […]
marzo 17, 2020

COVID -19 (Coronavirus) Update from Mt. Franklin Insurance

With the precautions of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Mt. Franklin offers many automated and remote capabilities to assist you:   Online electronic signature – no more “in person” ink signature required. Online computer meetings that allow us to review documents with you from the comfort of your home. Robust conference capabilities to allow group meetings via telephone. […]
marzo 12, 2020

Does your auto insurance cover your camper trailer?

  Does your auto insurance cover your camper trailer? When you tow a camper trailer, you want to know that your car insurance protects you. It typically will give you some protection, but there are a few things you need to know.     Liability coverage When you tow a camper trailer or other trailer, the most […]
marzo 10, 2020

How to Properly Inventory Your Home

How to Properly Inventory Your Home How exactly does your home insurance protect you when you need it? The key is having a good inventory to be able to prove what you owned and what it was worth. Here’s what you should do.   1. Save all receipts Keep all your receipts for both proof that you […]
marzo 5, 2020

Moving to a new office? Here’s what your insurer needs to know

Moving to a new office? Here’s what your insurer needs to know Whether you’re expanding your business, downsizing or you just found a place with lower rent across town, a new office means you’re going to have to make some changes to your existing business insurance policy. The rule of thumb is the same as always: The […]
febrero 27, 2020

Rodent damage and car insurance claims

Rodent damage and car insurance claims Squirrels, mice, and rats live in every part of the country. And these rodents also love to turn vehicles into a shelter for the winter. Engine compartments, vehicle interiors, and even mufflers are often deemed ideal nesting spots for pesky pests. In addition to making unpleasant smells, these rodents […]
febrero 25, 2020

5 Tips to make your next family road trip more enjoyable

5 Tips to make your next family road trip more enjoyable The annual family road trip. For some, it brings back wonderful childhood memories of visiting tourist sites around the country. To others, it reminds them of endless hours of driving while squished in the car with their siblings and eating peanut butter sandwiches en […]
febrero 20, 2020

Affordable fixes to reduce your home insurance rates

Affordable fixes to reduce your home insurance rates One of the best ways to bring your home insurance rates down is also one of the best ways to improve your home: Make all those small and medium-sized fixes you’ve been meaning to make.     Here are a few quick fixes that can help you pay lower […]
febrero 18, 2020

What To Look For In Home Insurance In 2020

What To Look For In Home Insurance In 2020 Whether you have a mortgage for your home or not, it is important that you have a home insurance policy. The purpose of a home insurance policy is to protect your finances and investment in the event your property is damaged or destroyed.   Here’s more about what to look […]

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