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septiembre 15, 2024

Important Thoughts on Cyber Coverage

Most customers I meet with conceptually understand the value of cyber insurance.  It seems we can’t go a week without news of a major data breach happening.  Statistics abound regarding the major losses that can happen with a data breach.  However, I still often come across customers who hesitate at purchasing an actual cyber policy.  […]
julio 31, 2024

Should you purchase car rental insurance at the counter, or does your personal auto insurance cover you?

If you’re planning to rent a vehicle, here are a few tips on what your policy covers and doesn’t cover to help you in deciding how much coverage to buy from the rental company. First, if you’re renting a truck larger than a pickup, your policy typically doesn’t pay for any damage to the truck.  […]
junio 16, 2024

Should I Use an Insurance Broker or Insurance Agent?

The terminology of any industry can often sound like “insider language” or jargon, with multiple phrases being regularly used, as if everyone understands what they mean. For example, titles for insurance professionals who work with clients can include Broker, Agent, Producer, Advisor, Solicitor, and even Consultant.  I ’ve been asked before about each of these […]
marzo 31, 2024

More Than Insurance: Mt. Franklin Gives Back in El Paso and San Antonio

At Mt. Franklin Insurance, we take pride in being more than just an insurance provider. We’re a team woven into the fabric of the communities we serve, in El Paso and San Antonio. We understand that true security goes beyond protecting your possessions – it’s about fostering a sense of well-being for everyone around us. […]
febrero 7, 2024

What Insurance do Experts Recommend for New Businesses?

When starting a new business, entrepreneurs can be faced with a dizzying list of tasks.  From negotiating a lease, to setting up an accounting system, to figuring out how to get trash picked up, new business owners sometimes spend more time setting up a business than practicing their actual trade. Insurance is often seen as […]
mayo 4, 2023

Welcome to Our New Website

Our dedicated staff of insurance professionals are here to assist you in securing an insurance policy to protect you and your loved ones for years to come. With a vast knowledge of our many carriers, we are equipped to shop for the best policy to suit your needs. Our job is to help you navigate […]
agosto 8, 2022

Water Damage – Are You Covered?

“Am I covered if water gets in my house?” is a common question I get from homeowners who are purchasing insurance.  As in most situations with insurance, the answer is “It depends.”  There are multiple different sources of water and, although each can be insured, a combination of policies are required to ensure all forms […]
julio 7, 2022

Contractor Pitfalls Around Insurance

    There exist several key pitfalls that contractors can easily fall into with insurance.   While most contractors are focusing on supply chain issues and labor challenges, there continue to be missed opportunities regarding contractor’s insurance.  Contractors, as an industry, continue to be battered by “new” challenges:  COVID-19 issues, supply chain disruption, and now […]
junio 5, 2022

Loss of Business Income, Maintaining Business Continuity & Continuing a Business After a Major Loss

When I consult with clients about their business insurance, we typically review two main categories of insurance: 1) Protection in case they injure someone else, and must compensate them, and 2) protection of your own assets in case they are damaged/destroyed.   In terms of the second category, businesses need to ensure their policies protect […]
abril 5, 2022

Ask the Professionals – Apr 3

Take a look at»Ask the Professionals» this month our principal, Shane Lipson, provides interesting information about Workers Compensation Insurance.       Bernie del Hierro Vice President / Escrow Officer Lone Star Title Question: Why is title insurance important? When you purchase real property, title insurance protects you against defects or claims for past occurrences! Any […]

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