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March 30, 2021

How Can A Small Business Qualify For Insurance Discounts?

How Can A Small Business Qualify For Insurance Discounts?   Have you ever driven by an old abandoned factory or warehouse only to see a security car parked in the lot? The place may have no employees, nothing on the premises worth stealing, but they still have a security guard. That’s because the presence of security […]
March 25, 2021

Does Home Insurance Cover Foundation Problems?

Does Home Insurance Cover Foundation Problems?   Your home’s foundation is the support apparatus for the rest of the dwelling’s structure. As a result, it’s easy to assume that your homeowners insurance will cover any damage to the foundation under all circumstances. However, this is not necessarily the case. While, yes, your home insurance will cover […]
March 23, 2021

Can I Choose Not to Have Health Insurance?

Can I Choose Not to Have Health Insurance?  We’ve all probably heard that we should buy health insurance. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that getting covered can be expensive. Is it possible to choose not to have health insurance? Is this really the best choice to make, even if it is an option? On […]
March 18, 2021

Does Your Auto Insurance Cover Your Camper Trailer??

Does Your Auto Insurance Cover Your Camper Trailer?  When you tow a camper trailer, you want to know that your car insurance protects you. It typically will give you some protection, but there are a few things you need to know.     Liability Coverage When you tow a camper trailer or other trailer, the most common […]
March 16, 2021

Getting Term Life Insurance As A Senior Citizen

Getting Term Life Insurance As A Senior Citizen  Life insurance is something that everyone should be able to leave behind for their loved ones. After all, if you pass away, you want to make sure the people you care about are taken care of. Many people think that it gets harder to get quality life […]
March 11, 2021

Do Entrepreneurs Need Business Insurance?

Do Entrepreneurs Need Business Insurance?   Being an entrepreneur is no piece of cake. You are going out on your own, venturing into a new industry and the future is unknown. Many factors will contribute to whether your new business will be a success or not. One of those factors is whether you purchase comprehensive business […]
March 9, 2021

What Happens to Your Home Insurance When You Remodel?

What Happens to Your Home Insurance When You Remodel?  Are you planning to remodel part of your home? Or are you about to build a new addition onto the dwelling? In either case, you need to consider what impact this is going to have on your home insurance needs. You need to make sure that […]
March 4, 2021

Getting Life Insurance? Don’t Forget to Make a Will

Getting Life Insurance? Don’t Forget to Make a Will  Your reason for getting life insurance is that you want to be able to help your family out financially even after you pass away. Coverage exists to help your designated beneficiary be able to support themselves despite the fact that you are no longer there to […]
March 2, 2021

Do I Need to File a Police Report After a Car Wreck?

Do I Need to File a Police Report After a Car Wreck?  If you have a car wreck, then you are probably going to want to file a car insurance claim. However, in order to make the claim successful, you will have to present appropriate evidence to your insurer. In some cases, this will mean that […]
February 25, 2021

Is My Home Actually Worth Insuring?

Is My Home Actually Worth Insuring?  Some people might think that they no longer need homeowners insurance if they live in an older property and have paid off their mortgage. This is fundamentally incorrect, and the fact of the matter is that anyone can benefit from homeowners insurance, no matter how much money they might […]

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