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June 17, 2021

Does Home Insurance Cover Septic Tank Spills?

Does Home Insurance Cover Septic Tank Spills?  If your home has a septic tank, then you are aware that the system is going to create quite a few maintenance responsibilities over the years. After all, in the event of a septic tank problem, you are going to face a smelly, nasty, and expensive cleanup process. […]
May 25, 2021

Protecting Your Home from Spring Floods

Protecting Your Home from Spring Floods   Everyone knows that their home is not immune to water damage, and you must do all you can to protect your property against any eventuality. While your homeowners insurance might cover damage from burst pipes, damage from weather-related floods will not have coverage at all. Either way, by minimizing […]
May 20, 2021

How to Stay Healthy at Work

How to Stay Healthy at Work  As the U.S. continues to reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic, American workers are beginning to return to their offices after working from home for the better part of a year. Still, even if you continue to work from home part-time, you might worry about many of the routine health […]
May 11, 2021

Pest and Mold Security Tips for Homeowners

Pest and Mold Security Tips for Homeowners  Though durable, your home is not immune to damage, sometimes from the smallest invaders. Bugs, termites, other vermin and mold could look harmless, but if ignored they could do a lot of property damage in a short time. Unfortunately, homeowners insurance might not cover these damages. Therefore, homeowners […]
April 27, 2021

Easy Ways For Young Adults to Lower Their Car Insurance Premiums

Easy Ways For Young Adults to Lower Their Car Insurance Premiums  When you’re young, starting out on your own might lead to some financial challenges. After all, you now have bills to pay, and probably a limited budget with which to pay them. How can you keep ongoing costs, like your auto insurance premiums, as […]
April 20, 2021

Getting Homeowners Insurance with a Mortgage

Getting Homeowners Insurance with a Mortgage  Most people do not have the money to pay for a new house in-full at the time that they buy it. As a result, they will usually take out a mortgage or other financing to finalize the purchase. When you finance your home, you will have to repay the […]
April 13, 2021

Understanding Your Costs of Care Under Health Insurance

Understanding Your Costs of Care Under Health Insurance  Everyone knows how expensive health care can be, from the most routine care to cutting-edge treatments. This places a significant cost burden on both providers and their patients. Where patients get the most cost assistance is by using their health insurance. It makes health care astronomically more […]
April 6, 2021

Buying Your First Car? Get Auto Insurance

Buying Your First Car? Get Auto Insurance  Some people wait years before officially owning their first car. Your first car might have belonged to your parents. Or, if you are married, your car might officially be in your spouse’s name. Regardless of circumstances, as soon as you get your first car in your name you […]
April 1, 2021

Preventing Employee Burn Risks in Your Business

Preventing Employee Burn Risks in Your Business  No one wants to get burned by anything. At minimum, a burn is an inconvenient and sore pest that you have to look after. More severe burns can be much more debilitating, even deadly. They’re nothing to take lightly.   Burn risks exist far outside the kitchen. They […]
March 30, 2021

How Can A Small Business Qualify For Insurance Discounts?

How Can A Small Business Qualify For Insurance Discounts?   Have you ever driven by an old abandoned factory or warehouse only to see a security car parked in the lot? The place may have no employees, nothing on the premises worth stealing, but they still have a security guard. That’s because the presence of security […]

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