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December 22, 2020

Factors That Might Increase Your Home Insurance Cost

Factors That Might Increase Your Home Insurance Cost  No one wants to see any of their insurance rates go up, especially their home insurance. After all, you need this coverage to protect your property. So, you should be able to afford it.  Home insurance premium increases can happen for countless reasons. Sometimes, they occur through […]
December 17, 2020

What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?

What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?  You might be thinking about getting life insurance on yourself. After all, it is a benefit that will offer your loved one’s financial assistance if you pass away. However, you might worry that a pre-existing illness or other extenuating circumstance might disqualify you from getting coverage. Still, there might […]
December 15, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions About General Liability Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions About General Liability Insurance  If you are a business owner, then you probably know that you have to protect your company, employees, clients and others against any risks you might pose them. These liabilities could cost you a lot of money in worst-case scenarios. You therefore must be ready for any eventuality. […]
December 10, 2020

Will My Health Insurance Work in Another State?

Will My Health Insurance Work in Another State?  Health care isn’t just something you get from your local physician. You should be able to get care from an appropriate physician when you need it. Sometimes, this might mean leaving town, and even crossing state lines. The question that many people ask, however, is whether their […]
December 8, 2020

Auto Insurance for Cars Damaged in Your Garage

Auto Insurance for Cars Damaged in Your Garage  Car damage doesn’t just happen because of a wreck. Damage could occur anywhere, even in places that you consider safe. Your garage is one of them. You might think the garage is the safest place for your car, which indeed it is. However, even cars parked in […]
December 3, 2020

What to Look for on Your First Homeowners Insurance Policy

What to Look for on Your First Homeowners Insurance Policy  If you are planning to buy your first home, then you have likely considered taking out a mortgage to finance the purchase. When you do, your lender will likely tell you that you are required to buy homeowners insurance.   Since buying your first home […]
December 1, 2020

Why Your Business Needs D&O Insurance

Why Your Business Needs D&O Insurance  Companies must take responsibility for employees at all levels of employment. Among the most important to the business is its c-suite and board of directors. They are critical players, but also high liabilities to your company’s success. To give them the liability insurance they need to do their jobs, […]
November 24, 2020

Can You Get Life Insurance If You Have a Pre-Existing Condition

Can You Get Life Insurance If You Have a Pre-Existing Condition  If you have a chronic health condition, then you will likely have to deal with certain medical needs for the rest of your life. These might include things like diabetes, heard or kidney disease or even cancer. Even if you have the illness under […]
November 19, 2020

Are Crumbling Foundations Covered by Home Insurance?

Are Crumbling Foundations Covered by Home Insurance?  Your foundation is truly one of the most important parts of your home. It keeps the property stable and level. Therefore, damaged or deteriorating foundations can make your home quite flimsy and insecure. A damaged foundation can damage all other components of the home.   It is perfectly […]
November 17, 2020

How To Choose Health Insurance When You Are Self-Employed

How To Choose Health Insurance When You Are Self-Employed  Many people receive their health insurance through their employer. However, if you own your own business or are self-employed, then you might not have this coverage option unless you get a policy yourself. While getting health insurance for your own business might seem complicated, it does […]

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