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February 2, 2021

How To Avoid Getting Rear-Ended

How To Avoid Getting Rear-Ended  Getting rear-ended at a stoplight is not your fault. After all, another moving vehicle ran into the back of your stopped car. Still, even an accident that isn’t your fault might cause your auto insurance rates to rise. As unfair as it sounds, this is because you still represent a […]
January 21, 2021

Why Do Lenders Require Homeowners Insurance?

Why Do Lenders Require Homeowners Insurance?  There aren’t many people who choose to buy their home with cash. After all, it takes years to save money for a nest egg, and paying off the entire property in one swoop might seem completely out of reach. Still, if you choose to finance your home with a […]
January 19, 2021

The Importance of Avoiding Driving Citations

The Importance of Avoiding Driving Citations  We all probably know that we could stand to be a little more conscientious behind the wheel. Still, we’re all human, and we all make mistakes. The unfortunate thing is that when we make driving mistakes, we might pay to pay the price. Traffic citations are often frustrating penalties, […]
January 14, 2021

Why You Need Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Why You Need Commercial Umbrella Insurance  Every business must have liability insurance, and the starting point is a general liability policy. However, while general liability insurance can prove essential to your long-term financial security, you should still not consider it a stopping point. Instead, you will likely need to buy other coverage, including a commercial […]
January 12, 2021

Why You Should Get Life Insurance Before a Child’s Birth

Why You Should Get Life Insurance Before a Child’s Birth  Becoming a parent is perhaps one of the most life-changing things that any of us could ever experience. After the birth of a first child, you probably know that your future looks a lot different, and it might be time to take a step back […]
January 7, 2021

Protecting Yourself from Uninsured Motorists

Protecting Yourself from Uninsured Motorists  In 49 out of 50 states, all registered drivers are required to carry minimum amounts of car insurance. If you are in one of them, then you could face penalties if you get caught driving uninsured. Just because you obey the law, doesn’t mean others will. And, if you get […]
January 7, 2021


                                                        LARGEST LOCALLY OWNED EL PASO INSURANCE AGENCY MAKES NINTH ACQUISITION Mt. Franklin Insurance Acquires Property and Casualty Business of Balmer Insurance   EL PASO, Texas, January 5, 2021 – Bill […]
January 5, 2021

Staying Healthy During Winter Vacation

Staying Healthy During Winter Vacation  Let’s face it, 2020 was not a year when most of us were able to travel extensively. 2021 will likely be much of the same, at least for the time being. However, there are still plenty of ways to travel safely as long as you commit to being conscientious.   […]
December 30, 2020

Tips for Buying General Liability Insurance

Tips for Buying General Liability Insurance When insuring your business, you will likely need general liability coverage. However, getting this coverage will require attention to detail and an understanding of what this coverage offers you. What are some of the things that you should consider when buying general liability insurance? How do you know which […]
December 24, 2020

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Auto Insurance Premium Easy Ways to Reduce Your Auto Insurance Premium Whether you live in a big city or a small town, every stretch of roadway could be dangerous. The driving risks around you are the reasons you need car insurance. However, these risks can also influence how much you pay for your plan. Sometimes, they might […]

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