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May 14, 2020

Will Home Insurance Cover Mold?

Will Home Insurance Cover Mold?   Mold can be one of the more expensive types of damage to address in your home. Because different types of fungi can live in your walls or under the floorboards for a while before ever showing physical evidence of being on the property, it can be difficult to exterminate it […]
May 12, 2020

Does Business Insurance Protect Against Interruption Due to a Pandemic??

Does Business Insurance Protect Against Interruption Due to a Pandemic?  In these challenging times, it is important to understand the type of business insurance protection helps you during the time of extraordinary circumstances, such as a global pandemic. Businesses small to large are experiencing catastrophic losses as a result of the COVID-19 virus. It is […]
May 7, 2020

At-Fault Accidents and Your Rates: What to Expect

At-Fault Accidents and Your Rates: What to Expect   Being in an accident is always going to be a difficult experience, regardless of who’s fault it was. But dealing with the fall-out of an accident can be every bit as challenging too (sometimes even more so). We’ll look at at-fault accidents and car insurance rates, so […]
May 5, 2020

3 Facts About Upside-Down Properties and Home Insurance

3 Facts About Upside-Down Properties and Home Insurance   There are few scenarios in which homebuyers don’t expect their home to increase in value over time. The nature of real estate is to trend upward, even if there are dips along the way. But it’s important for homeowners to know what will happen when things don’t […]
May 4, 2020

Contractor Pitfalls Unrelated to COVID-19

Contractor Pitfalls Unrelated to COVID-19 While most are focused on COVID-19 impacts right now, there remains a need to educate on insurance pitfalls unrelated to the current situation.  While I’ve previously addressed issues facing property owners, insurance for contractors is another area with great variability in coverage options. Except for very large companies, few contractors […]
April 28, 2020

What Are the Easiest Auto Insurance Discounts to Qualify For?

What Are the Easiest Auto Insurance Discounts to Qualify For?   If you can upgrade your car’s safety features, great. If you can take a few advanced driving courses, even better. And of course, there are loyalty and age-related discounts that automatically kick in overtime. But what are some easy ways to get your premiums down […]
April 23, 2020

Do You Need Flood Homeowners Insurance?

Do You Need Flood Homeowners Insurance?   In general, flood coverage is only needed if you have a mortgage on your home and you reside in an area that is considered high-risk for floods. However, you should still consider getting flood coverage even if you don’t meet either of these requirements. Most standard home insurance policies […]
April 21, 2020

Insurance Dangers of “Distraction” by COVID-19

Insurance Dangers of “Distraction” by COVID-19    There is no underestimating the grip that COVID-19 has on our society right now. Most insurance questions I’m fielding are focused on the COVID-19 impacts to businesses and households. But, amongst this backdrop, I have been encouraging my clients to take a step back because such a narrow […]
April 17, 2020

How Can A Small Business Qualify For Insurance Discounts?

How Can A Small Business Qualify For Insurance Discounts?   Have you ever driven by an old abandoned factory or warehouse only to see a security car parked in the lot? The place may have no employees, nothing on the premises worth stealing, but they still have a security guard. That’s because the presence of security […]
April 14, 2020

Mt. Franklin’s Perspective on COVID-19

Mt Franklin’s Perspective on COVID-19       Three Axioms of Insurance Many consumers approach purchasing insurance as a commoditized activity.  They reach out to a broker or two, look at a few options based on price and high level coverage outlines, and then make as intelligent of a decision as possible. The COVID-19 event is a […]

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