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July 30, 2020

Paying for Car Damage from Hitting an Animal

Paying for Car Damage from Hitting an Animal   Something no driver ever wants to do is to hit an animal that strays into the roadway. This accident could cause a huge mess and damage your vehicle (and others if a chain wreck occurs). Not only that, but there’s also bound to be a fair amount […]
July 28, 2020

How Homeowners Insurance Covers Water Damage

How Homeowners Insurance Covers Water Damage   It only takes a small amount of water to cause a lot of damage to your home. Your homeowners insurance might provide help with cleaning up the mess and repairing damaged property. However, it will only do so for certain types of water damage. Let’s look at some of the most […]
July 23, 2020

How Much Should You Pay for Health Insurance?

How Much Should You Pay for Health Insurance?  Health insurance has an unfortunate reputation for being expensive, but everyone needs it. It’s important for everyone to find the right health insurance policy for you and your family without paying too much for coverage.     Individual Health Insurance vs Family Health Insurance  On average, family health […]
July 21, 2020

Factors that Might Influence the Cost of Your Business Insurance

Factors that Might Influence the Cost of Your Business Insurance   Are you concerned about the premium you will have to pay for your business insurance? Insurance is part of your overhead, so it’s understandable that you will want to keep it affordable.  Mt. Franklin Insurance is happy to help you understand the various factors that […]
July 16, 2020

Can You Get Your Money Back After Canceling a Life Insurance Policy?

Can You Get Your Money Back After Canceling a Life Insurance Policy?  Life insurance is a unique form of policy that pays out claims at the end of the policyholder’s life. Instead of the policyholder receiving compensation, the premiums they pay are built toward compensation for the policyholder’s beneficiaries.  Unfortunately, you likely won’t receive any payout for […]
July 9, 2020

The Benefits of Rental Car Coverage for Drivers

The Benefits of Rental Car Coverage for Drivers  If you ever wreck your car, then it’s understandable that the car might need to go to the shop for repairs. In the meantime, you might need a rental vehicle to get around until you get the car back. Your auto insurance might offer a couple of […]
July 7, 2020

Repairing Property Damage from Home Vandalism or Theft

Repairing Property Damage from Home Vandalism or Theft   If you have ever come home to see that a break-in has occurred, you probably have gotten a sinking feeling of fear and insecurity. Important belongings might be missing. Also, the thieves might have done significant property damage. Therefore, you might feel like you cannot live in your home […]
June 30, 2020

How Do Surety Bonds Benefit Businesses?

How Do Surety Bonds Benefit Businesses?  Surety bonds give investors and clients confidence in the financial integrity of your business. This article provides a definition of surety bonds and explores the reasons companies buy them. Keep reading to find out if your business could take advantage of surety bonds.      What Are Surety Bonds?   […]
June 25, 2020

Should You Buy Home Insurance for a Condo?

Should You Buy Home Insurance for a Condo?  Many people would consider a condo as something between a house and an apartment. If you’ve recently purchased a condo, you may wonder if you need to buy homeowner’s insurance. The answer is yes, but you will need a special type of coverage. Keep reading to learn […]
June 23, 2020

What You Should Know About Life Insurance for Seniors

What You Should Know About Life Insurance for Seniors  People of all ages can benefit from purchasing a life insurance policy. A common misconception is that seniors either cannot or should not buy life insurance. However, the truth is that many seniors stand to benefit from life insurance. Take just a moment to learn more […]

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