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September 3, 2020

Can You Cancel Auto Insurance on a Financed Car?

Can You Cancel Auto Insurance on a Financed Car?   When you purchase a new car, you are generally issued a requirement by the lender to carry a certain amount of car insurance. This requirement is issued to protect the lender’s investment in case an accident damage the car.  You must carry this insurance for as long as […]
September 1, 2020

Business Insurance Coverage for Computer Equipment

Business Insurance Coverage for Computer Equipment  Getting the right Business insurance for your company property might seem challenging, and one of the most critical items you want to protect is your computer systems. Still, you might not know whether your business insurance will cover these expensive and sensitive machines. The good news is it can, […]
August 27, 2020

What Does Actual Cash Value Mean for Home Insurance?

What Does Actual Cash Value Mean for Home Insurance?  Home insurance has a lot of confusing terminologies, especially when it comes to the types of policies and how you can receive compensation. Replacement cost value, for example, refers to two areas: the total replacement cost value of your home, and a replacement cost value policy […]
August 25, 2020

3 Areas of Car Insurance Coverage and What They Mean?

3 Areas of Car Insurance Coverage and What They Mean  Car insurance policies can look different depending on premiums, deductibles, and coverage limits, but all car insurance policies are designed to cover three certain areas. A full coverage car insurance policy covers:  Liability  Property  Medical     Liability Some policies strictly have liability coverage. This insurance […]
August 20, 2020

Certificates of Insurance

Certificates of Insurance  A certificate of insurance (COI) is an often-used document in the construction world. A contractor or tradesman who is bidding on a job or signing a contract to do work might be posed with a requirement to show a COI. The concept of a COI is simple – it provides proof that […]
August 18, 2020

Estimating the Value of Electronics for Your Home Insurance

Estimating the Value of Electronics for Your Home Insurance   When insuring possessions on homeowners insurance, you have a lot of leeway to choose the limits you want. Yet, the thing about possessions insurance is that your coverage might restrict how much it will pay for items of value, like your electronics. When thinking about the value of these items, […]
August 13, 2020

What Happens to Businesses Without Insurance?

What Happens to Businesses Without Insurance?  Business insurance is used in order to protect businesses from lawsuits and other losses that could have a large financial impact otherwise.     Required Business Insurance and Penalties  Business insurance requirements vary by state. Most states require businesses to carry a minimum amount of:  Workers Compensation: Worker’s compensation provides financial […]
August 11, 2020

3 Important Reasons to Always Have Car Insurance

3 Important Reasons to Always Have Car Insurance   In today’s uncertain economic times, people are driving less. They also are trying to save as much as they can on expenses, including their auto insurance. You might feel tempted to let your coverage lapse if you no longer drive. However, that’s the wrong decision. You might […]
August 6, 2020

Do I Have to Get Health Insurance Through My Employer?

Do I Have to Get Health Insurance Through My Employer?  Healthcare is expensive and insuring through your employer can often be the cheaper option. There is no mandate stating that you have to purchase health insurance through your employer if you don’t want to, however.         Benefits of Individual Health Insurance  There are many benefits […]
August 4, 2020

4 Important Ways to Fireproof Your Home

4 Important Ways to Fireproof Your Home  House fires caused approximately $8 billion in property damage, more than 2,800 fatalities and more than 11,000 injuries in 2018. With people staying home more than ever these days, it is imperative to keep the property fire-safe. Homeowners insurance often will pay for fire damage. However, simple prevention methods are […]

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