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November 12, 2020

When Do You Need Workers Compensation Insurance?

When Do You Need Workers Compensation Insurance?  All business owners should know how important it is to provide a safe environment for their employees. Still, however safe you might try to make things, there is no guarantee that your business is accident-proof. That’s why in most states, employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance. You have […]
November 10, 2020

Luxury Home Insurance: Rebuilding After a Fire

Luxury Home Insurance: Rebuilding After a Fire  A fire can be a devastating household accident no matter what the size or shape of the home you live in. However, if you live in a high-value or even a luxury home, then the loss might be compounded. The good news is that your homeowners insurance is […]
November 5, 2020

What Should I Do If My Car Gets Stolen?

What Should I Do If My Car Gets Stolen?  If your car disappears, and you don’t know where it went, then someone might have stolen it. In fact, statistics from the Insurance Information Institute (III) show that roughly 750,000 vehicle thefts occurred in the United States in 2018. That’s a rate of approximately 228 thefts […]
November 3, 2020

Reasons to Convert Your Term Life Insurance to Whole Life Insurance

Reasons to Convert Your Term Life Insurance to Whole Life Insurance  If you buy life insurance, then you take a big step towards securing your financial future. One of the most easily accessible policies is a term life policy, which is generally affordable and will last for a certain number of years. However, the drawback […]
October 29, 2020

Can You Legally Be Denied Car Insurance?

Can You Legally Be Denied Car Insurance?  Despite the fact that car insurance is required by state law throughout the U.S., insurance companies are well within their rights to deny you coverage based on certain circumstances.   It is not common that a car insurance provider will deny a client, but it does happen. Generally, […]
October 27, 2020

What Affects Your Life Insurance Rate?

What Affects Your Life Insurance Rate?  Buying life insurance is a big decision to make, and one of the first things people ask themselves is how much their coverage is likely to cost.     Like with all insurance options, insurers measure risks when determining your premium. When it comes to life insurance, your risks will center […]
October 22, 2020

Questions to Ask Before You Buy Commercial Insurance for Your Business

Questions to Ask Before You Buy Commercial Insurance for Your Business  Starting a business is an investment, whether you’re looking for a location or starting your company right out of your home. Protecting that investment is crucial, and you will want a business insurance policy that covers your assets.  Not all business insurance policies are […]
October 20, 2020

Pest and Mold Safety in Your Home

Pest and Mold Safety in Your Home  It’s inevitable that your home will experience wear and tear over the years. Sometimes, damage can arise from small invaders that, while minuscule, can also be pervasive and even deadly. Common home invaders might be mold, pests and vermin. However, homeowners insurance might not automatically cover the damage […]
October 15, 2020

Should I Pay My Car Insurance Premiums Monthly or Annually?

Should I Pay My Car Insurance Premiums Monthly or Annually?  When you purchase a car insurance policy, you typically have the option to pay monthly or annual premiums. There are benefits and downsides to both, so it is important to make the right decision for you and your finances.   Upsides of Paying Annually  Paying […]
October 13, 2020

Life Insurance is for People of All Ages

Life Insurance is for People of All Ages  Many people think that they only need life insurance as they get older and have a lot of financial obligations. However, you can still face death at any time of your life and it’s often best to have a plan in place in case of a worst-case […]

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